Unbalance in rotating machinery puts excessive load on bearings and all other components, including
the machine structure itself. The unbalance forces also excite resonances, cause looseness and fatigue
failure, generate noise, and in certain circumstances, result in poor product quality. It has also been
found that machines that are out of balance consume more energy.
Topics Include
Understanding Unbalance: What it is, why it occurs, and its impact on machine performance.
Phase and Vectors: Basics of phase measurement, conventions, and advanced concepts linking phase angles to rotor imbalance.
Types of Unbalance: Static, couple, and dynamic unbalance, with diagnostic techniques using vibration analysis and phase measurements.
Preparation and Safety: Essential steps for a safe and effective balancing process.
Balancing Techniques: Single-plane, two-plane, static/couple methods, overhung rotor balancing, and advanced methods like four-run-no-phase.
Weight Management: Selecting, placing, splitting, and combining trial weights.
Standards and Guidelines: Balance quality standards such as ISO, ANSI, API, and Navy specifications.